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  • Writer's pictureMair

Get involved with the Global Solidarity Summit 2021: #GlobalUndod2021

It's finally here!

Grab your notebook and sign yourself up to free, online talks this week which delves into key issues in Wales and beyond.

I can't wait to get going - not only am I passionate about sustainability in Wales, but global community in which we can learn, help and support each other.

What exactly is the Global Solidarity Summit?

It's an event which is aimed to bring together individuals and organisations from Wales, who are working on solidarity projects across the world. This year, the event has moved online, so you can join in, no matter where you are!

This week, there are some great online discussions, which will discuss some key, important issues which will shape the future of Wales. From climate justice and farming futures to sustainable development and gender equality, there's a range of engaging talks to openly discuss key issues we face today.

I'll be taking part in events throughout the week and I'm really looking forward to hearing topical discussions and developing my learning on some complex subjects.

Hub Africa Cymru is leading the way with their project, #ReframingTheNarrative, which aims to challenge post-colonial assumptions of international aid, to one of solidarity, respect and healing.

So, fancy taking part? Here's a list of the fantastic events which are running all week:






Which one do you think you'll sign up for? Remember to use the hashtag

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