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  • Writer's pictureMair

Get involved with the RSPB 2021Big Garden Birdwatch

If you haven’t already heard, this weekend (29-31 Jan 2021) is the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch. I’m excited to take part again this year (it’s becoming somewhat of a family tradition).

The great thing about the event is you can take part anywhere in the UK, even if you don’t have a garden. All you need to do is sit and watch the birds for an hour (definitely a great mindfulness exercise!) and note what you see. ..and if you can't go out? Hang a bird feeder from a secure point or just leave some bread crumbs on the window sill or balcony– the possibilities are endless, so it's really easy to join in.

You never fully know what’s in your garden. We all probably know the Robin or Blue Tit, but can you describe a Nuthatch or a Chaffinch? You might think a black bird is, well, a Blackbird, but if you look closely at it's feathers, it could easily be mistaken for a Starling.

Top Tip: Try and count as many birds you can see at any one time, to avoid counting the same bird returning twice!

So, what's this all for?

The event is the biggest citizen survey annually in the UK, where all of our data will be used to determine which species of birds are doing well, and which may need a helping hand. It's also a great way for scientists to see how other factors (such as climate change) are effecting our bird populations.

If you haven't already sent off for a pack, you can download all of the sheet from the RSPB website here, including ID sheets and posters to show you're taking part.

Here on the farm, we are lucky enough have a vast range of birds thanks to the varied landscape and areas of deep woodland. Over the last couple of years, we've started to notice some different birds, so I'm excited to see who visits us tomorrow. Although it’s not uncommon to see Buzzards or Red Kites, I wondered if it might deter the smaller birds. However, a bird table beneath some protective branches of trees are all we need for the smaller birds to come out...and some tasty snacks of course!

Here's another useful link to help you identify the birds you see - just click here.

So what are you waiting for?! Put the kettle on, grab your RSPB pack and see what you can discover this year.

Best keep the cat indoors for now…

P.S If you're also interested in the RSPB Annual Report 2019-2020 click here

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